POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Curving cylinders and cones? : Curving cylinders and cones? Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:47:25 EST (-0500)
  Curving cylinders and cones?  
From: Simon Lemieux
Date: 1 Oct 2000 16:25:21
Message: <39D79DE8.C3F35E29@yahoo.com>
	I was wondering if there were a command for bending/curving/etc a cylinder or a
cone?  Where should i look in the manual for such command?  I'm currently
putting a lot of little cylinders/cones and rotate them all with a script to
give a good curving effect... but this slows the render a bit since there is
like 200 cylinders for one...

Any help will be greatly apreciated!
| Simon Lemieux           | Website : http://www.666Mhz.net  |
| Email : Sin### [at] 666Mhznet | POV-Ray, OpenGL, C++ and more... |

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